Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

Upcoming Events

Date Time Event Type Fee
14/12/2024 (Sat) 15:00 - 17:30 Sake Blind Tasting - 酒母對清酒風格的影響 (8 sake including premium sample)

清酒是釀酒工藝的結精品, 釀製過程有得多因素會影響最終風格, 今次 Sake Blind Tasting 活動將會深入認識生酛、山廢、菩提酛等酒母, 並透過 8 款高質例子讓同學有更深的了解

Tutor : Sunny Tang

Certified Sake Educator - WSET
Diploma – J.S.A. Sake Diploma
International Sakasho国際酒匠 – SSI International
Level 3 Award in Sake –Wine & Spirit Education Trust
International Kikisake-Shi唎酒師 – SSI International
Sake Scholar - Sake Scholar Course
International Shochu Kikisake-Shi - SSI International

**此活動不能使用 wine dollar**
Sake Discovery 300 Cantonese Registration
15/12/2024 (Sun) 15:00 - 17:00 Loire Masterclass - Anjou-Saumur (8 Wines supported by iDealWine from France. 50ml each) 本校 Level 3 同學優先. 每人只限報2 位

Tutor: Matt Hui
**此活動不能使用 wine dollar**
Masterclass 250 Cantonese
21/12/2024 (Sat) 15:00 - 17:30 黑白對決 Blind Tasting (1) - Old World P&P vs Decant (6 wines including top producers. WSET level 3/4 recommended. 50ml per wine)

Tutor: Matt Hui
**此活動不能使用 wine dollar**
Masterclass 680 Cantonese Registration
28/12/2024 (Sat) 15:00 - 17:30 黑白對決 Blind Tasting (2) - New World P&P vs Decant (6 wines including top producers. WSET level 3/4 recommended. 50ml per wine)

Tutor: Matt Hui
**此活動不能使用 wine dollar**
Masterclass 680 Cantonese Registration

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